Friday's Letters and Some Awesome News

Dear Friday, I am not as excited for you as most people are. I have to work all weekend, and I have been enjoying the week a lot! However, I cannot complain about having most of the week off. I have thoroughly enjoyed the time with my mom and sister.

Dear New House, Yes, You all heard me right...I said NEW HOUSE! We actually have a house. I cannot wait to start painting and moving in already. I just want my bed in an actual bed frame and my room set up all pretty again. Plus it will be nice to actually say the words my home and mean the word home. Not just some house we are temporarily staying in. God is so good and I am so stoked! I cannot thank Him enough.

Dear Rental, I will not miss you, and I will rejoice the day I do not have to come home to you.

Dear Readers, I apologize. I have not posted my DIY American Shorts yet, and I know I promised they would be up this week. I have been incredibly exhausted by the night time, so when I go to post I just feel tired. I am going to try and have them up by Monday!

Dear D, You have been busy most of the week working on your message. I just want to say I know you are stressed and worried, but I know that you are going to do a wonderful job like always! I cannot wait to be there to support you.

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