Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, Every Monday I feel like Friday's are just so far away, but once you get here I feel like "Wow! This week went by pretty fast." So I am happy you are here. Thank you for showing up once again. I have a jam packed weekend and I am so happy about that! Who knew that being busy, and having stuff to do could be so fun?!

Dear Best Friends, You both know who you are and I am so happy that this week I get to see the both of you. Ps. I can't wait to see your apartment Kristen ;)

Dear Disneyland, It's been a week and you are already calling my name...

Dear Design Project, The very first one of the semester and you make me very nervous! I really hope my creativity will shine through. Here's hoping!

What are your letters this Friday? Share them with me in the comments! I'd love to here what your plans for the weekend consist of.


Since I did not have a post planned for today here just somethings that I have doing lately.

Reading: The Hobbit. The last time I read this book was in 8th grade which seems really long ago and yet I can remember most of my 8th grade year. I am starting to feel old people! Anyway ever since the new movie I've wanted to reread this book just to remember all the details so reading it I am!

Listening: As of about 2 weeks ago I was introduced to "Goodnight Moon" by Go Radio. I fell in love to say the least. This song has been stuck in my head since I heard it. Last weekend I heard the demo version and loved it even more! 

Dreaming: Of Paris. Maybe love too, but mostly Paris. I just want to travel so bad right now. My inner travel bug is at an all time high!

Monday Blues

It's Monday, and I definitely have the Monday blues. I have no desire to be at school, or do homework. BLEH! I had a very fun weekend, and moving on to the week is just so not exciting. Does anyone else feel this way?

My weekend started Friday night where I actually had plans! Shocking I know. I went out to dinner, frozen yogurt, and a movie. We went to see The Legend of Hercules, which was such a boy movie! It wasn't as gory as I was expecting though so there was that. I had a lot of fun though!

Saturday my family went to a wedding of an old family friend. The wedding was Hawaiian themed, and the groom sang to the bride as she walked down the aisle. It was so sweet!! After the reception my sister and I went to Disneyland with the brothers, Aaron and David.

It wasn't packed at all which was so nice! We got on about 5 rides and stayed until closing. The nice part about Disneyland is that they don't really kick you out when the park closes. We were able to just hang out and sit in front of the castle with the park really empty. It was so pretty! I think this was one of my favorite Disney trips!

How was your weekend? Do you have the Monday blues like me?

Sunday Edition

Today I am participating in Sunday Edition. I found this cool link up on Let It Be Beautiful. Here's what a Sunday Edition is: a single image that represents your feelings or mental state for that week.  It can make you feel happy, nostalgic, inspired, etc... as long as it makes you feel something.  No words are used on Sunday Edition posts -- the image speaks for itself.  After all, a picture says a thousand words, right? 

Let It Be Beautiful

Friday's Letters and Follow Friday

Dear Readers, Happy Weekend! Saying that makes me think of Hermione from Harry Potter when she says "Happy Christmas!" Any who! I really do hope you have a safe wonderful weekend! Thank you for reading my blog! Did you all ever realize how many Friday link ups are out there? I googled them and there is tons! I am trying to decide if I should keep doing Friday letters since there really is no link up anymore or try something new. What do you all think? I would love to hear your opinion!

Dear Friday Night, I have plans....shocker...I know. But I actually have plans. 

Dear Design Classes, My creativity is lacking, but it is something I would hope to work on. I am totally enjoying learning all of the shortcuts and tools though. My mind is growing!

Today I am also going to combine my letters with Follow Friday. The hashtag #FF is going around twitter so today I am going to give you some of my favorite blogs to read! Go check em out! The girl who loved to write is awesome. You should also check out her etsy shop! Another is Sleepy Single Girl, The Marvelous Flight of Cara, and Jolie Emily. Go check out these wonderful ladies!

Meeting Someone

"Hi!" "Hello." "My name is _________!" "My name's Mariah, it's nice to meet you."

How often do we have these conversations with people? I can honestly say that I avoid this at all costs. Don't go thinking I'm all rude, please! I promise if you introduce yourself to me I will be completely and utterly polite! However, I just don't like meeting people. There's that awkward moment of what do I say now? I can never seem to come up with enough questions to ask them or enough things to say about myself. So then there's the awkward get the picture. People are not my strong suit.

I know there are those people, and maybe one of them are you, who can talk to anyone! You are just ultra friendly and can fit in with anyone and everyone. That's just not me. Like at all. I am more to the style of Mr. Darcy when he says, "I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before." I relate to him in that way!

Yet, here I am meeting people. Talking, and introducing myself. I still feel so awkward and completely out of my comfort zone. How do you know what to share with a person? I want to completely be myself, but whats to far? How do you know who to trust and who not to? There are so many factors that fall in to meeting someone. Whether you are meeting someone for the first time, whether a guy hits on you, or you just haven't seen someone in a long time how do you know?!

Then there are those people where you don't feel so awkward. Even in my awkwardness I feel okay. Those are the people I like to be around. The ones where you can be yourself and not be nervous. Yet, that horrible question of trust still plays in. How close do you get to a person you just met? 

So many factors. So much could go wrong. So much could go right.

How do you feel about meeting new people? Are you a people person?

3 Day Weekend

Happy three day weekend! I hope you all had a relaxing time. My weekend was a blast! I really enjoyed having a day off and not having to worry about anything!

Friday night I got off work and came home to my bed and Mr. Darcy. I have been dying to watch this movie recently! It was so nice to have a night away and to travel back in time with Jane Austen. 

If you follow me on instagram you saw the above post. I got my nose repierced Saturday. I got my nose pierced on my 18th birthday and almost a year later it ended up getting infected so I had to take it out. I have missed having it so much! I am so exited to finally get it again. However, I can say the second time around was way more painful!

Saturday night these two brothers that my sister and I have been hanging out with recently came over for a movie night. We ate pizza, played phase 10 (a card game), and watched the movie Super 8. Which was scary if I do say so. I don't do well with things that pop out at me and that movie had a lot of things that made me jump! It was still a really fun time! I enjoyed myself.

Sunday was a nice relaxing. My family went to church, and then I ran errands with my sister and mom. We came home and just relaxed. 

 Monday was beach day! I know...its January. Someone forgot to notify California that it is actually suppose to be winter. Considering today was 75 and tomorrow is suppose to 80 I think we are preparing for one very hot summer...  Yet, it was a very nice day at the beach. A little chilly but very enjoyable! My family met the brothers, David and Aaron, down there. It wasn't to crowded. We had a picnic lunch, played volleyball, and explored the jetty. 

My sister and I ended the day while watching footloose in bed. I would say it was a very good day!

How did you spend your holiday weekend? Relaxing, working? I hope you all had a very enjoyable and safe weekend!

Letter's On A Friday

Dear Readers, I am so sorry for the lack of content this week. I just really haven't been inspired, and I haven't felt all that great so my outfits have been a little bumy. Hopefully this coming week I can come up with so many more posts!

Dear MacBook Pro, You have no idea how long I have wanted you! I am so excited to get to know you and figure out all the little secrets! You were very expensive and I really hope it is all worth it! Here's to hoping my dad isn't right about PC's.

Dear Monday, Thank you for the little surprise of having you off. I have been wanting to go to the beach for a really long time now! Welcome to a tan California winter!

Dear Weekend, I think you are going to be more fun than I expect. Here's hoping!

How Is Your Day?

Do ever just have those times where you just need someone to ask you how your day was? It really seems like such a simple question doesn't it. How was your day? How is your day? How's it going? What's up? There are so many ways to ask that question. It seems like we ask it so flippantly. We just throw it out there to everyone. "Hey whats up? How ya doing?" 

Such an easy question right? Yet, if you really think about it this question can carry so much weight. If a person truly cares and answers this question honestly then you get a look into a persons head. You can really start to understand them by this simple question. 

Yet, how often do we actually answer this question honestly? Do we actually tell the person asking how our day was? I can tell you most of the time I don't. I think deep down we actually know that this question holds so much weight. We know that if we answered honestly it would give the person asking a look at who we truly are and to do that requires a whole lot of trust. 

I know that to me though when someone asks me and I mean really really asks me how my day is it makes me want to tell them. This question is so important to me. My dad has made it a point for years to ask my sister and I how are days were. Sometimes it got frustrating, and yet it made an impact on me. When I can tell someone really cares and asks me "How my day is?" it really means the world.

So here ya go. I really truly want to know and you are not allowed to just put it was good. Really tell me how your day was. If no one has asked you today or maybe for awhile. I want to know. How is your day going?

Another Disneyland Weekend

 Good morning friends! It is another weekend come and gone. I hope all of you had a nice one. This morning I have woken up sounding like a man who has been smoking for years. Yes, I have completely lost my voice. It was inevitable with this stupid cold going around that I was going to get it and now it has attacked me! Here's to hoping that I can sound somewhat normal at school today!

Anyway this weekend was a great one! I really enjoyed myself! Friday night I got off work and my dad took the family out to dinner. Then we came home and my sister and I crawled into my bed and watched Netflix together.

Saturday was what I had been looking forward to all week! Can you guess? DISNEYLAND! It was so nice. Not to hot, not to cold, and not to packed! We were shocked at how low the crowd was. 

My sister and I went with one of her friends and his brother. They are so awesome and new found friends to me. They even got me to go on the water ride in California Adventure which is a task that is not easy. I hate having to walk around soaked! I didn't get to wet thankfully! The below picture was taken after the ride was over. We all look pretty dry, but the people in the raft with us were soaked head to toe!

After Disneyland and California Adventure we headed to Downtown Disney and took the boys to see Frozen. It was my third time, my sisters second, and the boys first. My sister and I had been referencing movie quotes most of the day so it was a must see for David and Aaron. The movie ended around 9:15 and we headed back into the parks. I had never done that before and it was a nice little rest since we spent most of the day there. 

I have had this cold most of the past week and Disneyland killed my throat and voice. By 6:00 I sounded like a smoker, and after the movie I barely had any voice at all!

Sunday was a nice relaxing day! I had tea, and cuddled in bed with all my animals. I did some chores around the house. Being sick it was nice to have a day off. 

How was your weekend? Recovered from the holidays yet? 

Thrifted Comfy Sweater

sweater: thrifted
jeans: hollister
boots: love d

Don't you just love those finds where you go OH MY GOSH! SO CUTE! That's how this sweater went down. I can't remember the thrift store that I got it at, but I just love this sweater. It is a piece of clothing both my sister and I share. We love it that much! It doesn't exactly "fit" but that's what makes it that much more loveable. It is so soft and comfy. It isn't super heavy so I can wear it on a day when it isn't super cold or super hot. 

Do you have a favorite piece of clothing? What's your comfiest sweater like?

linking up with Lindsey

Letting Go

Let go and let God

The minute I typed in the title for this post the song from Frozen started to play in my head. No this post is not about letting your snow powers unleash or belting a song at the top of your lungs. However, the song is great, the movie is great. Go see it!

This weekend while I was on my work retreat we had a devotion time Saturday morning. Each staff member was given a stack of 5 envelopes. We were to go through them in silence and do exactly what the envelopes said. There were multiple things throughout the letters that really spoke to me and stood out to me. Yet, the one thing that has stuck with me the most was a little saying. I don't know what letter it was on, or what the rest of the letter was about but this little phrase really helped me.

"Let go of 2013"

Just let that statement sink in for a minute....let go, Let Go, LET GO! That is so hard for me. It has been really hard. I have so many happy good memories in 2013. Yet, I cannot hold onto them anymore. 2013 is over. I am new. I am blank. I am single..

I have no regrets of 2013, and I honestly enjoyed my year. Yet, looking back I can't think of anything without Donny involved. So now I must let go. I must move forward into 2014 strong and courageous. I must look ahead knowing that God has a plan. He has my heart and he is directing my path.

I am not the only one who has ended 2013 off on a sour note. I am sure many of you were happy to leave 2013 behind. I was not so happy at what I had to leave behind. However, I cannot focus on that. There is no reason to hold onto the past anymore. It isn't going to come back. 

So here's to letting go and letting God. 

Inspiring Words

If you are an avid reader on my blog you know why this quote stood out to me. Today is a day packed full of work stuff before school starts tomorrow. So there's some words that have inspired me with the start of this new year. I hope they inspired you too.

Cold Weather Beauty Tips

Cold Weather Beauty Tips

Cold Weather Beauty Tips

Being that it is winter I decided to do a post about how I combat the cold. I promise that when I had this idea it was actually cold in California. Yet as of late it has been about 70-75 degrees. Not Christmas or New Years like weather at all. Yet, I figured that maybe someone is reading this who is actually in a cold climate place and these products might help them.

My beauty products do not change drastically from summer to winter since California does not really have seasons. There are a few differences though!

In the morning I use the target version of the aveno moisturizer. This stuff works really well, and I find that it doesn't make my face oily or clog my pores. I also like that there is SPF in the product. 

The rest of these products I use at night however after I shower I always lotion up! I never like dry skin so lotion is so important! 

At night I will use the other up & up moisturizer. I use this one at night since it doesn't have any SPF in it. I don't like to use this one every night since my face is rather oily. However, if I feel very dry or there are portions of my face that feel dry I like to apply it.

On my bedside table I keep chapstick. As many as I can! The 8 hour one I received in my Birchbox and completely love it! I don't feel like it actually lasts 8 hours, but it is still helpful. I also keep the Bath and Body Works sleep lotion. Like I said I do not like dry skin so I keep my hands moisturized. This stuff is nice since the smell helps calm ones mind.

How do you keep your skin good during winter? Have you tried any of these products?

Weekend Recap

Today is the first Sunday of 2014! People have been saying that a whole lot lately! It's the first song of 2014, its the first hamburger of 2014. Well of course it is! But the first Sunday means that it is the first Weekend Recap of 2014! 

This weekend was a busy one for me! Friday at 1:00 pm spring training started for my office and me! I was so happy to be back to work! They took our staff up to the mountains for a little retreat this weekend. We had two different cabins, one for boys the other for girls, which were really nice! This weekend was more time spent of bonding for our staff. We all know how to plan events and run the game room, but we never really get time alone together. I really enjoyed myself. It was time well spent with my co workers, and the Lord.

Here are a few photos from the weekend.

Some of the boys made a pyramid and I ended up being the top!

Saturday we played whippel ball. Which was so fun for us!

We were also taking to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I loved that movie! Tonight I get off and back to work on Monday! Classes start Wednesday. It is so crazy to think I am 4 months away from being half way through college!

I also wanted to ask if any of you participate in a weekend recap link up. I can't seem to find someone who is consistent. Please let me know!

How I Welcomed In 2014

Welcome 2014! It seems like years only go by faster as I get older. I remember 2012 graduating high school, and I remember my 2010 sophomore prom like it was yesterday. Yet, here we are in 2014 and I am almost halfway through college. That is just so crazy to me! 

I have to apologize for being absent from the blog the last 2 days. I have just been having to much fun! Which is a good thing. Plus it gives me something to put up here on this little section of the internet. 

So here's what I have been up to the last few days.

Masks, masks, and more masks. I have made so many new friends in the past few days! My sister has known these three sisters from theater for a few months now. They are as close as my sister and I are. The middle sister's birthday was New Years Eve and she has always wanted to go to a masquerade and try a fondue restaurant. It just so happened the fondue place was having a masquerade that night! 

It was so fun searching out masks, and getting all dressed up. I have never really gone to a party on New Years Eve. When I was little my parents would throw a board game party, but that's all I know. 

New Years Day I spent with my best friend Kristin and her fiance Sean. Not featured was his best friend as well. This day was spent with no plans and just fun! I actually felt like a college kid. We played mario kart, and drove around searching for something to do. 

We all out danced to Disney music in the car, and came home with pizza and ice cream. It was a blast! I also got to watch The Prestige for the first time. Adding more to my move education.

Yesterday my sister and I hightailed it up to the Happiest Place on Earth. Which was the craziest idea ever. Our passes were blocked over Christmas, but opened back up New Years Day. However, that does not mean we should have gone. It was soooo busy! We are definitely going to wait for it to calm down to go again. We met up with a friend of hers, and his brother. Another opportunity for me to make new friends!

These last few days were some much needed fun for me. I head back to work today, and I start school next week. Getting back into a routine is just what I am looking forward to. So much is changing for me which can be hard to get used to, but I know God has a plan. I am just going along for the ride! Learning to be more flexible! 

How was your New Years?