Another Disneyland Weekend

 Good morning friends! It is another weekend come and gone. I hope all of you had a nice one. This morning I have woken up sounding like a man who has been smoking for years. Yes, I have completely lost my voice. It was inevitable with this stupid cold going around that I was going to get it and now it has attacked me! Here's to hoping that I can sound somewhat normal at school today!

Anyway this weekend was a great one! I really enjoyed myself! Friday night I got off work and my dad took the family out to dinner. Then we came home and my sister and I crawled into my bed and watched Netflix together.

Saturday was what I had been looking forward to all week! Can you guess? DISNEYLAND! It was so nice. Not to hot, not to cold, and not to packed! We were shocked at how low the crowd was. 

My sister and I went with one of her friends and his brother. They are so awesome and new found friends to me. They even got me to go on the water ride in California Adventure which is a task that is not easy. I hate having to walk around soaked! I didn't get to wet thankfully! The below picture was taken after the ride was over. We all look pretty dry, but the people in the raft with us were soaked head to toe!

After Disneyland and California Adventure we headed to Downtown Disney and took the boys to see Frozen. It was my third time, my sisters second, and the boys first. My sister and I had been referencing movie quotes most of the day so it was a must see for David and Aaron. The movie ended around 9:15 and we headed back into the parks. I had never done that before and it was a nice little rest since we spent most of the day there. 

I have had this cold most of the past week and Disneyland killed my throat and voice. By 6:00 I sounded like a smoker, and after the movie I barely had any voice at all!

Sunday was a nice relaxing day! I had tea, and cuddled in bed with all my animals. I did some chores around the house. Being sick it was nice to have a day off. 

How was your weekend? Recovered from the holidays yet? 

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