It's Time To Meet The Parents

The nerves...oh nerves. I guess you could partly call them butterflies. I mean butterflies are when you are nervous and excited at the same time right? So butterflies. Tons and tons of butterflies.

First impressions. You only get one. That's it. Just one. One pressure. It's only one day for a first impression. That's all I get. 

They've heard my name before. They know who I am. You've told them about me. Yet, I am still oh so nervous! I want them to like me. I want them to utterly love me! I like you, and I know you care about them so I want them to like me.

This day has been planned for awhile now. We've been talking about it. Going home. You're taking me home. You've been so excited...I've been nervous. Don't get me wrong I want to meet them. You talk about them all the time. I know they are important to you. They raised you so very well, but I am still nervous. Hearing you talk about everyone, and what we'll do up there. There's a lake, and your mom works that day but your dad has it off. There's good food for lunch, and dinner with your family. Your sister and brother-in-law might join us. So many plans.

I've never had to do this before. I know most parents love me, but I am not confident. I am nervous. I've never had to be brought home to a family. I've always known the parents. This is a new experience. One for the books. You've been reassuring me. "I'll be right there." "They'll love you. I know it!" Yet, nothing calms my nerves. 

So here we go. We're pulling into the parking lot. You say, "Oh look there's my dad, and my mom's car. And my brother and sisters car." The butterflies increase. You park and we exit the car. We're walking up to the breakfast place. You know that I'm nervous. You start to open the door. Here goes nothing!


  1. Ooh girl don't just leave it at that! ;) We want to know everything! xx

    1. It went really well! We hung out in his town in the mountains with his sister and brother in law. We had breakfast and dinner with his parents too. I was so nervous but his family was so sweet and chill!
