Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I don't have any class today so Friday you are very relaxing! You are also the finish to my first week of school. I would say it was a pretty good week. Let's keep that up!

Dear Weather, I know technically it is still summer, but I am completely ready for fall. The mornings have been nice and foggy, but once 10:00 hits so does the heat...can we change this please?

Dear Interns, Getting to know you all the last few weeks has been such a blessing! I am so excited to grow in these new friendships!

Dear Michael, It has been so nice getting to see you at least a little bit everyday! I am enjoying see you so much as long as I can!

Dear Wanderlust, You always grow once school starts! Why is that? I have this desire to go somewhere new again. Maybe a Disneyland trip or something simple like that will help decrease you. School just started and a trip isn't coming soon.

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