Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I'm exhausted. I am so thankful that it is the weekend. 

Dear Weekend, You don't really slow down for me huh? Just keep on blazing through! Here's to hoping I can feel accomplished.

Dear Weeks Ahead, You are jam packed. I am almost done with school and you just are packing in the projects and events. It is all going to be very fun with very little sleep.

Dear Life, Lately you have been a roller coaster...I'd appreciate evening out. I don't like this good times and bad. I'd prefer that we stick with the good times. I'm sick of the bad. It's time for some just plain good days. 

Dear Weather, I have spent an abnormal amount of time outside this past week and I have loved it. It feels like spring/summer and it is perfect! I really hope it stays like this for a while!

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